Designed in a curvilinear shape, and constructed out of glass and steel, World One will become a symbol of Mumbai's aspiration and drive on an international level. It's not just the exterior that will capture global interest and recognition, spanning over an incredible 17 acres, and also house a pool, gum, cricket pitches and pavilion, as well as 290 luxury apartments. overlooking the Arabian Sea. The interiors will be designed by Armani/Casa and comprise a blend of "simplicity, sensitivity, sophistication and flair", which encapsulates the very essence of Armani.
Other extravagances include a huge fountain in the centre of the courtyard, which will have water jets accompanied by music and ambient lighting to reflect Indian dance culture. Each residence comprising three and four bedrooms, will follow the curvilinear structure and have viewing decks with stunning sea views.
There has been a trend of the uber luxury residences and office blocks internationally with more mega skyscrapers, such as Burj Khalifa in Dubai and The Big Bend in New York. Each new architectural design defines progress and challenges engineering and contraction techniques. However, there is much more thought and psychology being considered nowadays. In addition to the bigger is best approach, there is a movement towards shaping environments to directly have a positive impact on the individuals' mood.
As reported by Michael Bond from the BBC, there is a trend of "neuro-architecture", which is to create positive a mood in the occupier of the space. There is a demand for beautiful designs within a constrained environment, and a need to create pleasurable, beautiful spaces that people want to occupy. These ground-breaking megastructures really help to push boundaries, define new trends and elevate standards for modern-living.
As an award-winning architectural designer, Arc Design Services understands how important the relationship between people and place is. As Winston Churchill stated in 1943 while considering the repair of the bomb-ravaged House of Commons, "We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us". Arc Design Services create bespoke architectural designs considering the relationship between the functionality, beautiful space and sustainability, so that home owners can the most out of their dream home.
To find out how Arc Design Services can create your dream home call 0161 928 4433.